Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) is known as a pure philanthropic organization that was founded in 2001. In 2010, PSF transformed into a social business organization. With this transformation came questions and statements from the public, including negative news about the concept of PSF education funding assistance in a writing on one of the blog media (Kompasiana) currently circulating on the internet. This problem stems from a writing by Rachmayanti on Wednesday (03/13/2013) which revealed a number of statements that cornered the National Student Cooperative (KSB) which was one of the PSF initiatives.
In his writing, Rachmayanti stated that her child felt aggrieved due to the assistance from the collateral-free education loan provided by the KSB to attend the Sampoerna Academy which has now been renamed the International Nation Student Academy (ASBI). Since the announcement, the PSF has provided clarification through comments available on the blog media and releases that have been made. In addition, PSF through its initiative has verified the author’s data and it was found not to be in the name of Rachmayanti as a student’s parent at ASBI. Then the PSF explores more about the authenticity of the author’s data by requesting the contact of the author, but the person concerned until now has not provided any response. Though PSF wants to solve this problem openly by accepting criticism, opinions and suggestions for our mutual progress.
Initially, the FSP provided scholarship funds to outstanding Indonesian students. Not only intended for students who excel, but also for outstanding students who also come from pre-prosperous families. This was done in the hope that there would be the creation of inspirational figures in Indonesia who would contribute to this country for the progress of the nation and the country. However, in its realization, only a few of the recipients of the scholarship funds were willing to contribute to this nation and country. In fact, it is even more unfortunate that many of them eventually settled abroad and did not return to Indonesia, as if they had forgotten their country of origin. This thought arose when they argued that obtaining educational scholarships was the right of every outstanding student, but the essence of obtaining these scholarships tended to be neglected, namely the return of contributions to the nation and the state.
Armed with ten years of experience as a pure philanthropic organization that provides scholarship funds, the PSF has now changed its organizational objectives. The substance of the objective is expressed through the concept of the FSP scholarship which is transformed into an aid fund loan without collateral or better known as student-assistance. In Indonesia itself, the concept of student-assistance still sounds unfamiliar to the ordinary ear, so there is still a lot of misunderstanding. Thus, PSF believes that as the first social business organization in Indonesia that aims to produce future leaders who are noble and of high caliber, a concept is needed to create sustainability for the progress of this country.
Through the concept of student assistance, PSF believes that there will be more generations of young people from well-off families who can be helped to become reliable individuals who are ready to face global challenges. The concept of student assistance is applied by providing educational funding loans for outstanding students from pre-prosperous families. The recipients of the assistance will get loan assistance that covers living expenses, accommodation, up to the costs of other education needs such as books and research fees.
In addition to getting education funding assistance, the recipients who are also members of the KSB extended family will be directed to be able to develop their networking. Through this networking, PSF seeks to help provide work placements and develop their careers to achieve the goals of the FSP-DNA, namely leadership, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility. Thus, all recipients of this KSB education assistance will be part of a sustainable education ecosystem that can jointly help realize future leaders who are responsible, independent, noble and ready to face global challenges.
During their education, the recipients of the education fund loans did not need to think about repaying loans that had been borrowed because the mechanism of the refund was when they had completed their education and then had adapted to the workforce and were given a 6-month grace period adapted to working world. The refund process can be paid in installments in accordance with the agreement with KSB. The funds that enter through the KSB will later become a revolving fund to help the generation of achievers from the next poor family. Of course, to create a system that continues, PSF cannot always depend on charitable donations and donations. Therefore, the concept of education fund loan assistance needs to be applied.
The application of the concept of education fund loan assistance carried out by the PSF certainly refers to the fact of education in Indonesia which turns out there are as many as 1.8 million children having to drop out of school. In addition, there were only 18% of students studying at school, who were able to continue their education to a higher level. Another fact states that there are more than 50% of the total number of teachers who have qualified under the standard set. While the data released by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) states that Indonesia will be in the top 15 as a country with a large economy in the next decade, even predicted the seventh largest in the world by 2020. However, qualified human resources are appropriate with the higher needs of the company not directly proportional. Thus the level of foreign workers entering Indonesia will increase. Therefore, PSF seeks to contribute to alleviating these problems through programs that have been made.
If the concept of education funding assistance had never existed and we only relied on charitable donations and donations, only a few of the recipients of donations were contributing back to this nation and country, then what was the fate of the younger generation of achievements from other poor families? Will this country always be a backward country with foreign leaders? Aren’t we going to be more proud if this country is led by the leaders of its own country? Of course all of that starts from education and access to better education in order to print superior human resources in the future.
For further information, please contact:
Sandra Darmosumarto
Public Relations Manager
Putera Sampoerna Foundation
Tel. + 62-21-577 2340
Fax. + 62-21-577 2341
Email: sandra.darmosumarto@sampoernafoundation.org